Film | Documentary | Photography
Travel | Social | Journalism
Inspiring | Interactive | Visually engaging
TED Talk:
Turn your dreams
into challenges
Film Festival Talk:
The documentary as social weapon
Who: 12+years of experience in Film Direction, Photography and Journalism. 80+ countries traveled and 5 movies awarded. Author af The Huffingto Post, TED talk Speaker and Video-Journalist at the main German TV, Deutsche Welle.
What: inspiring talks, dynamic workshops and filmmaking master classes.
If you're looking for a guest speaker, I can offer your audience a different and motivational view into the world of Filmmaking, Photography, Documentary, traveling and dream pursuit. I will share real stories from my adventures and projects around the world and entertaining clips and photographs from my expeditions.
How: get in touch and let's speak about possibilities to entertain your audience or your team.