When we are little, it is the curiosity to learn and discover that pushes us to constantly ask anything that we do not understand, but it is also the case that when we are children we want to understand everything. That combination, curiosity and questions, is the perfect formula for learning. However, when we become adults in a certain way we believe that we know the basics and fundamentals when in reality if we maintained the interest in understanding the behavior of others we could surely learn from those around us in order to become a more tolerant human being. and understanding. That’s why I still can’t understand it, why do we stop asking ourselves questions?
Children use the ability to ask questions to always continue learning
Watching children you realize that they don’t take anything for granted; They touch, they play, they ask, in short, they discover. This behavior can happen only through the awareness of knowing that one does not know, and it is precisely that personal humility that predisposes one to continue learning and developing. However, when we grow up we need to assert our position and judgment in order to create a solid and credible image, without realizing that our firmness is doing a very disservice to our personal development.
When there is a misunderstanding or a compromised situation, the adult human being automatically tends to think that the other party is totally wrong and it is often even incredible to understand why that person has acted in that certain way, starting to judge and label them for their behavior. behavior. But what if we really put ourselves in their shoes? What if we began to ask ourselves questions until we try to understand the reasons that have pushed that person to act this way?
Each one is a different world, with its particularities and circumstances that are also seen in a totally subjective way depending on the individual judgment of the person, but it is often easier and faster to ignore these conditions, thus wasting not only an excellent opportunity to get closer to our affections by resolving conflicts dialectically, but a wonderful opportunity to learn about human behavior in the world around us.
Every day we witness ways of living that we do not understand a priori, from ways of dressing or speaking to variations in moods without, from our point of view, any apparent justified reason. The real question is whether we want to continue judging and labeling without further ado or do we take the initiative to stop and think and reflect in every uncomfortable situation. Children learn without peace because they have not yet developed a pride that prevents them from contemplating the option of being wrong, but life is long and offers us countless opportunities to continue growing and learning simply if we continue asking ourselves questions. Today what has made me stop to think and reflect is, why do we stop asking ourselves questions?
Curiosity drives children to discover
We focus on teaching children, but we could learn from them, for example to continue asking questions